Words! Words! sound’s light
In the memories that we cite,
What immortal voice or ear
Could claim the symmetry we hear?
In what distant source of sound
Echo the words that come around?
By what measure grasps the sense?
By what medium comes the tense?
By what meaning, and what feeling,
Do words form and move thy being?
And when thy mind begins to hear,
What dread noise? And what dread fear?
What dread dilemma? What twist of mind?
In what memory will you find?
What need calling? What desire
Dares one’s words to inspire?
When the winds roam thru the trees,
And whisper softly to the leaves,
Did he hear his work to feel?
Did he who made words make thunder’s peal?
Words! Words! sound’s light
In the memories that we cite,
What immortal voice or ear
Could claim the symmetry we hear?