Love Me Please
Love me please
Would someone stay and love me please
For I restrain the very initiative to sieze
My heart and let your love set me free
By imposing myself on your possibility.
For I can't take another no.
But I would really like to know
If you just might be inclined
To help me out of my love bind.
It's not my way to conquer you
It's thru time I prove I'm true.
It's not me to let my lust
Be the driving force of must.
I don't wear love on my sleeve,
That's not my way to be believed.
My love is quiet until inspired
Both words and feelings are required.
To free my love from being shy
I'm waiting for you to stop on by.
and if you do
Love is not something to trifle with,
It's filled with pleasure, pain and pith.
Love is unconditional, without bound.
I have no idea what we'll be found.
With you, I want to really let go.
And I want you to always know,
It's you, I'm trying to reach out for,
It's you, I'm trying to touch your core.
I'm not interested in being just a mate.
I'm not interested in sex just to sate.
I'm not interested in idle chatter.
I'm interested in the things that matter.
The things that really matter to you.
The things between us we find are true.
The things we think we have to hide.
The passionate feelings trapped inside.
It won't be easy and it won't always be fun,
But we'll both have grown when all is done.