Do you hold and love and cherish
And let go when it comes time to perish.
Or do you keep a little hate
So the loss won’t feel as great
And tell yourself you have a reason
For not missing what once was pleasing.
Is the love that you remember
The same as when you felt and trembled?
And in your mind don’t you really know,
That in time, all that comes must go.
But isn’t love truly always here,
Always giving something very dear.
And isn’t death love’s endless force,
Renewing all that’s run its course.
Doesn’t death free us from our woes
To create a void into which love flows.
And isn’t love always being new,
Reborn each moment so it’s always true
And dying each moment so it’s always fresh,
So love and death, don’t they seem to mesh.
In love and death there is no fear.
To each their being and intent is clear.
They move as one in complete desire,
And do no more or less than each require.
Love is the content and death is the process,
Life is the arena where we feel their caress.
Love has no limits and death has no rules,
Life is the place where we find we are fools.